Saturday, March 31, 2007

Destiny in your hand

2007 began with lot of new faces and lot experiences to bring colours to those everlasting moments. Each of us in search of success, love, happiness, money, pride alot more list based on individual style. We know lot of things and lot experiences but we do the things in different way end up unsatisfied. All might talk about multiple ways to gain or tune to rythm where we realize our wishes turning to reality. A small moment can change the entire situation where the flow starts with every channel being perfect to obey your desires. Focus does a lot which can bring the said moment a single spark which can sublimate your lazy notions and birth of new being of your eternal thoughts. Some tips below which can create the potential wings to fly in your kingdom of eternal thoughts of success.

1) Do exercise daily (Surya Namaskar -Yoga- Sudarshana Kriya)

2) Meditate at least 20 minutes in morning and evening .

3) Have good foods and fruits.

4) Read good books -gain& spread knowledge.

5) Unconditional love & help.

6) Sleep Well.

7) Bless all.

What ever you do its for the world where everyone is the same being coming from single source. Love all and see the miracle. Thank you all for unlimited support love you all - God bless you.

Life is beautiful

  • To have more of the life you truly want is more of who you truly are. Each day, do something significant to deepen yourself. You are not in the world, world is inside you. What ever you see outside or happening to you is coming from inside. So its internal reflection pour light on your dark side.

  • Each day is a new day everything you experience, both good and challenging, has come to you to teach you the lesson that you most needed to learn at that particular stage of your evolution as a person. Keep on asking what you learnt and how strong you have become for the next stage. This is a great source of inner peace.

  • Live in your heart where you have right answers. Follow the quiet promptings of your heart, and you will be led in the direction of your destiny.

  • Always express your wonder like a child. In surrendering control, you will create a space for possibilities to enter and treasure to flow.

  • Care yourself each day. Do something to nurture your mind, body and spirit.

  • Think always you are at your beautiful age, where you wont grow older ever energetic.

  • Build true friendships. Dedicate yourself to deepening your bonds with people around you. Focus on helping others achieve their dreams with selfless service.

  • The deepest longing of the human heart is the need to live for a cause greater then oneself. Leave a legacy for the generations to come.